Psalm 32: 8-11
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you and watch over you…
the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him.
Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous;
sing, all you who are upright in heart.
These verses are so amazing and I feel that God showed me them very specifically. Here are my thoughts…
1) God will instruct me which means I don’t have to figure it out on my own. Sometimes I feel so lost and wandering and get discouraged that I don’t know the exact next step. The truth is, however, that God will show us and teach us what he needs to in order to bring us to the places he has for us. It’s a journey. It’s ok if it takes time, as journeys normally do.
Along this line, I don’t have to freak out so much over the process of walking through the journey. Right now I’m like a neurotic passenger on an airplane. I have to fly to get to the destination. I’m already on the plane so I might as well sit back and enjoy the flight instead of dwelling on how much I hate being on the plane and how long it’s taking. That’s exactly what I’m doing in life. I get freaked out about the process of finding a profession and a calling. Instead of sitting back, relaxing, and giving myself time to seek God and try different jobs, I freak out and expect myself to have it all figure out right now.
Luckily I’m still young and it’s not like I’m slacking off and doing nothing with my life so I can chill and continue to do my part and trust that God will teach me and show me the next step, especially as I continue to be faithful with what I have now and focus on the blessings instead of being discontent with what I want and don’t have.
2) God’s unfailing love surrounds me and will be easier for me to see as I continue to rest and trust in him more and more. When I’m tense and discontent all the time-like that nervous passenger I described- I’m focused on myself and am not focusing on the Lord or trusting him. Instead of focusing on making more of myself right now with my career and ministry, I can trust the Lord to guide me and teach me through the process of the journey.
3) Since life is a journey often full of times of frustration, loneliness, disappointments, etc, I can focus on the negative and discontent or I can rejoice in the Lord, his promises and the eternity with him that I have to look forward to. I have so many things to be thankful for and so many exciting things ahead of me. Positive people can have such a strong influence in a dark world. I can be negative and selfish like many people or I can live in joy, thankfulness and rejoice and sing that I have the love of Jesus. That’s all I ever need and yet he blesses me with even more than that! He is so good!