While I think definitions are largely overused in the writing world, I am nonetheless about to share an interesting little exercise that I did today as I was sick and bored of feeling sick so this is what transpired. I bolded the words that connected in my head in case you can't understand my thought process...which would be understandable since it can be quite random and a being of its own;)...
It all started with my question of how the word “idol” is defined…
Idol: any person or thing regarded with blind admiration, adoration or devotion
Devotion: profound dedication; consecration
Consecration: dedication to the service and worship of a deity
Deity: God; Supreme Being
the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe.
2. the Supreme Being considered with reference to a particular attribute: the God of Islam.
( lowercase ) one of several deities, esp. a male deity, presiding over some portion of worldly affairs.
( often lowercase ) a supreme being according to some particular conception: the god of mercy.
Christian Science . the Supreme Being, understood as Life,Truth, love, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Principle.
( lowercase ) an image of a deity; an idol.
( lowercase ) any deified person or object.
( often lowercase ) Gods, Theater .
the upper balcony in a theater.
the spectators in this part of the balcony.